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DIY Emergency Lights: 10 Circuit Ideas

Have you ever been plunged into darkness by a sudden power outage? Fumbling for candles or tripping over furniture isnt exactly ideal. This guide offers a solution: 10 easy-to-build emergency light circuits using super bright LEDs!

What's an Emergency Light?

Imagine a helpful little light that turn on automatically when the power goes out. Thats an emergency light! It uses a battery to power bright LEDs, keeping you safe and providing light during outages. It' is even more efficient than older lights because it uses LEDs instead of regular bulbs.

Important Safety Note: While some of these circuit are simple to build, it's important to be cautious. A few designs work directly with mains power and should NOT be touched while plugged in. Safety first. If you' are not comfortable working with electronics, it's best to find a pre-built emergency light.

How Emergency Lights Work:

These clever circuits automatically sense when the power goes out and turn on the LED light. When the power comes back on, they turn themselves off. This is especially handy in places with frequent outages, keeping you prepared and helping you navigate until the power is restored. Lets dive deeper and explore how these circuits work!

1) Using a Single PNP Transistor

We all know LEDs need a specific voltage to light up properly. This "sweet spot" voltage lets them operate most efficiently. If you give them more voltage than they need, they waste energy by getting hot. Thats what happens with the extra voltage from a fully charged 6-volt battery in this circuit (LEDs typically need around 3.5 volts).

To fix this, I added a few special diodes in series with the battery. These diodes "eat-up" some of the voltage, dropping it down to the perfect level for the LEDs. Heres, the cool part: as the battery loses power, some of the diodes automatically turn off, letting just the right amount of voltage through to keep the LEDs lit.

By keeping the voltage close to what the LEDs need, this circuit uses less power and last,s much longer during an outage than a regular setup. That mean more light for you when you need it most!

How this White LED Emergency Light Works

This circuit might seem complex at first glance, but let's break it down step-by-step using the diagram [reference the diagram location, e.g., "on the next page"].

The Power Source:

Imagine the transformer, bridge rectifier, and capacitor as a team. They work together to convert the incoming AC power (from your wall ac outlet) into a smooth DC voltage that the circuit can use.

The On/Off Switch (with a twist!):

A single transistor acts like a special switch in this circuit. Unlike most transistors this one (PNP type) turns on when it's base loses connection to positive voltage.

Power On = Lights Off:

When the regular power is on, a positive voltage is applied to the transistor's base, essentially "holding it down" and keeping it off. This prevents the battery from powering the LEDs. Meanwhile the circuit cleverly charges the battery using a trickle charging system.

Power Gone = Lights On!

The moment a power outage strikes, the positive voltage at the transistor's base disappear's. This "release" the transistor, allowing it to turn on. The LEDs instantly light up, powered by the battery.

A Touch of Efficiency:

A neat trick with diodes helps extend battery life. Initially all the diodes are in the circuit, reducing voltage slightly. As the battery weakens, the diodes are gradually bypassed, allowing more voltage to reach the LEDs and keeping them lit for a longer duration.

Parts List

No transformer? No problem!

While the previous circuit offered great features, it required a transformer. Heres an alternative way to build an automatic emergency light using just LEDs and some common components - all without a transformer!

Benefits of a Transformerless Design:

Ditching the transformer makes this design shine.... The circuit becomes smaller, easier to build, and most importantly, more affordable.

Safety First!

Warning: It's crucial to understand that this circuit is directly connected to the AC mains. This can be extremely dangerous if touched while exposed. If you' are not comfortable working with electronics at this level, it' is best to stick with the transformer-based design or purchase a prebuilt emergency light. Always prioritize safety when working on electrical projects!

Circuit Description

Transformerless Design for Simplicity

This circuit forgoes a traditional transformer, and utilizes a compact power supply built with C1 (capacitor), R1 (resistor), Z1 (surge protector - optional), D1 (diode), and C2 (capacitor).

Operational Breakdown:

Battery Options and Considerations:

The diagram uses a 9-volt battery. However a 6-volt battery can also be employed. If using a 6-volt option, you'will need to remove diodes D3 and D4 from the circuit entirely. In their place, insert a wire link to bypass the diodes. This allows the lower voltage from the 6-volt battery to reach the transistor and LEDs directly.

Automatic Emergency Light Circuit Diagram

Parts List

PCB Layout for the above circuit (Track side view, Actual Size)

Pats List

2) Surge Protected Automatic Emergency Lamp

This emergency light circuit incorporates surge-protection for added safety. It achieves this, by using seven diodes connected in series. These diodes are forward biased, meaning they allow current to flow through them in the intended direction. Their position is after the input capacitor in the circuit.

The key benefit of these diode is their voltage drop. When current flows through a diode in forward bias, theres a small voltage drop across the diode itself. In this circuit, with seven diodes in series, the total voltage drop is around 4.9 volts. This effectively "eats-up" some of the incoming voltage, resulting in a more stable and controlled output voltage for charging the connected battery. This stabilized voltage helps to protect the battery from potential surge in the AC mains supply.

Introducing Day/Night Automatic Activation with LDR!

By popular demand from a reader, we'have taken the previous automatic LED emergency light circuit a step further. This improved design incorporates a second transistor stage with an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) trigger system.

What's an LDR?

An LDR is a special component that act like a resistor that changes its resistance based on the amount of light it detects.

How it Works: Saving Battery Power by Day

The new LDR stage essentially acts like a smart switch. During the day when theres plenty of ambient light, the LDR detects this and keeps the emergency light off. This helps preserve precious battery power by preventing the light from turning on unnecessarily.

Night-time Activation: Light When You Need It

As darkness falls and the LDR senses the decreasing light levels... it triggers the second transistor stage. This in turn, activates the emergency light, ensuring you have illumination when its truly needed.

Circuit modifications for operating 150 LEDs.

Parts List for the 150 LED emergency light circuit

R1 = 220 Ohms, 1/2 watt
R2 = 100Ohms, 2 watts,
RL = All 22 Ohms, 1/4 watt,
C1 = 100uF/25V,
D1,2,3,4,6,7,8 = 1N5408,
D5 = 1N4007
T1 = AD149, TIP127, TIP2955, TIP32 or similar,
Transformer = 0-6V, 500mA

3) Extending Battery Life: Automatic Low-Battery Cut-Off

This circuit takes things a step further, by incorporating a low-voltage cut-off feature. This clever addition helps to protect your battery from over-discharging.

4) Reader Requested: Power Supply with Backup.

This circuit, as requested by a reader acts as a combined power supply and emergency light system. Here's how it works:

Basically this circuit offers a seamless transition from AC power to battery backup during an outage ensuring your devices stay powered.

Parts List for an emergency light back up circuit

All Diodes = 1N5402 for battery up to 20 AH, 1N4007, two in parallel for 10-20 AH battery, and 1N4007 for below 10 AH.

R1 = Charging Volts - Battery volts / charging current

Transformer Current/Charging current = 1/10 * batt AH

C1 = 100uF/25

5) Modifying the above Using NPN transistors

Our first circuit can also be constructed with NPN transistors, as demonstrated here:

6) Reader Challenge: Emergency Light with Relay

This section tackles a readers request for a simple LED emergency light circuit which utilizes a relay for automatic switching between AC power and battery backup.

Circuit Goal is: Seamless Power Transition

The objective here is to create a circuit where:

Reader's Problem: Relay Not Switching Off

The reader encountered a problem where the relay wasnt disconnecting from the AC power when a power outage occurred. They wanted to maintain a very simple circuit design.

Solution: Separate Power Paths for Relay Coil and Light

The solution lies in how the relay is wired. Heres the fix:

Clarifying the Readers Concern:

The reader expressed concern that if the relay contacts only connect to the battery and LED, how will the battery charge during AC power. This is a valid point! Heres the explanation:

The Design

No need for words, If the circuit diagram is clear and well-labeled then you might not need any text at all. Let the diagram speak for itself.

7) Smart Design: Emergency Light & Charger in One with a Single Relay (For Experienced Builders Only)

This entry demonstrates how just a single relay can be utilized to create an emergency lamp with battery charger.

This circuit uses a standard 12V relay with a 400ohm coil resistance. Lets see how it controls the power flow:

AC Power On:

Power Outage:

8) Reader Request: Emergency Light with Li-Ion Battery (Built!)

A reader named Dan, requested a circuit design for an emergency light using a Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery. Heres the solution!

Dan Request:

Dan wanted a circuit that could:

The Design:

This circuit diagram fulfills Dan's requirement and can be easily built using the following schematic

Using a Current Control for the LED

Rx = 0.7 / 0.3 = 2.3 ohm 1/4 watt

Li-ion Battery Charging (Safety First!)

The voltage from the cell phone charger need to be adjusted before connecting it to the Li-ion battery. Heres why:

Automatic Power Switching with Transistor

A PNP transistor controls the power flow:

Important Safety Note:

The following transformerless design is included for informational purposes only. However it's critical to understand the safety risks:

Transformerless Power Supply (Use with Caution!)

This section presents a transformerless power supply circuit for this emergency light. Remember the safety warning above!

Circuit Breakdown:

Remember, Safety is paramount when working with electronics, especially circuits connected to the AC mains. If you'are not comfortable with the risks involved, it's best to stick with the previously described design using a regulated phone charger or opt for a pre-built emergency light.

Precise Charging with an Emitter Follower

This circuit incorporates a "emitter-follower" stage with additional components to act like a voltage regulator with a preset.

Setting the Charge Level:

The Transistor as a Smart Switch

The transistor (8550) acts like a smart switch which controls when the LED lights up:

Safety Through Design:

By limiting the charging voltage and using a control transistor, this circuit helps prevent over-charging and ensures the safe operation of the Li ion battery.

9) Automatic 10 watt to 1000 watt LED Emergency Light Circuit

This circuit offers a powerful automatic emergency light solution with built in safety features. However due to its complexity and connection to the AC mains, it's recommended for experienced builders only who prioritizes safety measures.

Circuit Breakdown:

Dual Relay System:

High Power Handling:

By using relay with appropriately rated contacts, this circuit can handle a much higher wattage load (over 1000-watts) compared to previous examples.

The completed circuit now enhanced with an additional feature, is depicted below:

10) Flashlight Bulb Emergency Light

While LEDs dominate the lighting world today, this circuit explores an alternative - a simple emergency light using a classic 3V/6V flashlight bulb. Here's why a flashlight bulb might be a good choice:

Circuit Breakdown (AC Power On):

Power Outage and Bulb Illumination:

Practical Implementation:

Remember: Although this design offers a good emergency light, LED technology provides better efficiency, and potentially longer life-spans for the light source.

Parts List

 The Design and Schematic

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