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220V Automatic Voltage Stabilizer Circuit

This article dives into a straightforward circuit designed to safeguard your appliances from voltage fluctuations. Imagine a knight protecting your electronics – that's what this voltage stabilizer does!

How it Works:

The circuit uses a common operational amplifier (op-amp) chip, the IC 741, as its brain. This chip acts like a voltage comparator, constantly checking the incoming AC voltage from your mains supply.

Think of these inputs like a seesaw. The reference voltage is one side, and the actual voltage is the other. The op-amp keeps them balanced.

When the actual voltage (pin 3) gets too high or too low compared to the reference, the op-amp reacts:

By strategically switching these taps, the transformer can either boost or decrease the voltage going to your appliances:

In essence, this circuit acts like a guard, constantly monitoring and adjusting the voltage to keep your electronics safe from harmful fluctuations.

Complete Circuit Diagram

Setting the Reference Voltage (Optional):

The circuit we discussed uses a zener diode to create a stable reference voltage. However, you can also achieve this using a resistor voltage divider. This is a network of two resistors that splits the supply voltage (Vcc) into a specific voltage level.

If you choose to use a resistor divider instead, here's the formula to calculate the reference voltage (Vref):

Vref = (R2 / (R1 + R2)) x Vcc

Benefits of a Resistor Divider:

Drawbacks of a Resistor Divider:

Choosing the Right Method:

The choice between a zener diode and a resistor divider depends on your specific needs. If precise voltage control is critical, a resistor divider might be a better option. If simplicity and cost are your priorities, a zener diode is a good choice.

Transformer Relay Wiring Diagram

 Parts List

You will require the following components to make this homemade automatic mains voltage stabilizer circuit:

Stabilized Output Vs UnStabilized Input Voltage Proportions


200V -------- 212V
210V -------- 222V
220V -------- 232V
225V -------- 237V
230V -------- 218V
240V -------- 228V
250V -------- 238V

Calibrating Your Voltage Stabilizer (Important!)

Before connecting your circuit to the mains power, follow these steps to calibrate it for optimal performance:

Prepare for Calibration:

Power Up with a Safe Supply:

Set the Reference Voltage:

Important Note: The 12.5V reference point might differ slightly for your specific circuit. Here's what to do:

* **Measure Your Threshold:**  Before proceeding, find the DC voltage output from transistor TR1 that corresponds to a desired AC input voltage from your mains (e.g., 225V AC). Let's call this measured voltage "V_TR1."
* **Adjust the Calibration:** During calibration, use V_TR1 instead of 12.5V. So, if V_TR1 is 13V for 225V AC input, use 13V during calibration.

Verify Relay Operation:

Calibration Complete!

Connect to Mains Power (with Caution):

Safety Precautions:

Additional Notes:

By following these steps carefully and prioritizing safety, you can calibrate and use your homemade voltage stabilizer circuit.

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